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  • Writer's pictureShaye Johnson

There She Is

Hello lovely humans! It's been a while since I've written on here and I apologize for that! I have started so many different blog drafts but have had a hard time sticking to one and it has been difficult finding time in my crazy college schedule to sit down and finish one. But I promised myself I would finish this post because it is so dear to my heart, and commitment is the key to success!

Over the past year I have had the opportunity to compete in many Miss America Scholarship Competitions. This non-profit organization "prepares great women for the world and prepares the world for great women". Miss America in the past has been known as a beauty pageant but Miss America 2.0 is so much more than that!

How Did I Get Into Miss America Competitions?

Growing up I was a dancer. The director at my first dance studio became very close with my family and we became very close to hers. Her daughters were older than me and they were very heavily involved in the Miss American Organization (MAO). I admired them and the beauty they possessed inside and out, and knew instantly that I wanted to be a part of this organization when I was old enough. I wanted to be a role model and leader for my community. Back when I was growing up they were still referred to as pageants but Miss America has now shifted it focus and is a scholarship competition.

What Do MAO Competitions Offer?

MAO competitions are a great way to indulge yourself in service. That is the main focus of this organization. It's not all about the pretty gowns and crowns. If you do well in the competition you can be awarded with scholarship money, the opportunity to compete in the Miss Utah Organization State Competition, and more depending on the competition you compete in. Did I mention they are also an amazing confidence boost and can help you meet some of the best life long friends?!

The Sections of the Competition

When I tell people I compete in the Miss American Organization their first reaction is "Wow that's awesome, I could never do that!" I'm here to tell you you're wrong if you thought that! Miss America has evolved and is still evolving. They have done away with the swimsuit portion of the competition and now encourage you to be yourself and not "the perfect pageant girl". I love the MAO organization because it has helped me truly discover who I am and what I'm passionate about. Many people have questions about what a competition in this organization looks like so let me break it down for you!

Private Interview

The private Interview accounts for 35% of the candidates final score and in my opinion is the most important part of the entire competition. Typically if you're competing you will meet with the judges the morning of the competition for a 10 minute interview. Beforehand your director will have you turn in some paperwork which includes a resume. This resume however differs from a job resume. The ultimate goal of the private interview is to let the judges get to know you as much as they can which can be hard to do in a 10 minute span of time. This is why your resume should include interesting things and accomplishments about you and your life. The judges will also base your interview questions off of your resume. You determine the fate of your interview.

Opening Production

This often is a section of the competition that gets skipped over. It is not scored but is a fun way to bond with the girls you are competing with and gets the audience ready and excited for the show. The opening number is a simple dance and usually contains a section where the candidates get to introduce themselves. When preparing for a competition, learning the opening number is typically where you meet and make friends with the other girls.


The talent portion of the competition usually intimidates those who don't know much about competing in the Miss America Organization. Many girls think "I don't have any talents" or "I can't perform my talent on a stage". However with Miss American 2.0 you don't have to dance, sing, or play an instrument anymore to be able to compete. Last year's Miss America, Camille Schrier, was a pharmacy student so she decided to use science as her talent by doing a chemistry experience onstage! How cool?! I've seen so many unique talents performed such as karate, baking, special effects makeup, and poetry. The talent portion also accounts for 35% of the candidates overall score and is such a fun part of the competition because everyone has something so unique to bring to the stage.

Onstage Question/ Social Impact Pitch

The onstage question is usually the most frightening part for people who are new to the MAO. It sure was terrifying for me the first time. People often think what if I mess up in front of everyone or what if my mind goes blank and I stand there and say nothing. The onstage question is typically an extension question from your private interview earlier that day so it's not meant to throw you off, make you uncomfortable, or make you look stupid. The onstage question is not scored on your actual answer but how you respond to the question. My best advice to those new to competing is to treat it as a normal conversation instead of a "pageant" question. The onstage question accounts for 15% of the final score. After the judges ask you one onstage question it's time to share your social impact iniative with the audience. This is a short 30 second pitch that educates the audience and the judges what you want to do to help the world and your community and how you plan to do so. Every candidate gets to create their own social impact initiative and it can be anything the they are passionate about such as mental health, helping the environment, or creating safe spaces for specific types of groups and people. Basically anything you want to change or improve in the world or your community.

Red Carpet

The last portion of the competition is red carpet and accounts for 15% of the final score. One misconception about red carpet is that candidates have to wear a beautiful dress. That was the case in past Miss America Competitions. However with the Miss America 2.0 program candidates can wear anything they feel confident in. The candidates are not scored on what they are wearing but how they are wearing it. This meaning how confident they look and how they present themselves. Red carpet in my opinion is the most confidence boosting portion of the competition.

My Recent MAO Experiences

Recently I had the amazing opportunity to compete in the Miss Washington County/ Miss Greater Zion Scholarship competition and was awarded the directors choice award and 2nd Runner Up to the whole competition. The directors choice award was chosen by my two awesome directors Alison Anderson and Alivia Foster. It is awarded to the girl that turned her paper work in on time and made a visual, professional, and diligent effort while preparing for the competition. I was so honored to received this award since I had been preparing so hard for this competition. As the second runner up I was awarded a scholarship and now have many opportunities throughout the next year to be involved in my community. This past week I was able to help out at the Washington County fair and I participated in over 40 hours of volunteering. My whole royalty group (Miss Washington County, Miss Greater Zion, the 1st Runner Up, Miss Spirit, and I) got to help out at the rodeo, the parade, the princess showcase, the baby contest, the demolition derby, and more! It has been so fun to meet and serve the people of Washington County and I can't wait for more opportunities like that this year.

My Future MOA Plans

Being a titleholder, having the opportunity to share my social impact initiative and go to Miss Utah has been a dream of mine for a really long time and I plan to get there. I plan to continue competing in the MAO and gain even more experience. This organization has changed me life for the better. It has given me more confidence, helped me network with people all over Utah, helped me feel like I'm making a difference in the world, and shown me the true beauty of service. I love this organization with my whole heart.

The MAO 2.0 Mission Statement

"There she is.

Miss neurosurgeon, Miss social activist, Miss jet pilot, Miss artist, Miss investigative journalist, Miss expert coder, Miss CEO. Miss Whatever She Wants to be.

And yes, she is beautiful. Beautiful in the way she is smart, principled and passionate.

Stunning in how she leads, commands a room and makes an impact.

Striking in her authenticity, adaptability, fearlessness, genuine, and ability to take her power and use it to change the world.

Never guided by what she should but forever driven by what she could do.

She has the confidence, the skills, and is empowered to make it happen.

There she is. Miss America.

No wonder she has a crown--she rules." -Miss America 2.0 Mission Statement

Interested? Here's How To Find More Information!

For more information visit the official Miss American Website at This can tell you if you are eligible to compete and what competitions you qualify for. If you are unable to find the answer(s) you are looking for don't hesitate to reach out to me! I strongly believe that everyone young women should have the opportunity to be apart of this organization. It has change my life and my outlook on life. I will forever be grateful for it and can't wait to compete in more competitions!

If you all would like more information on the the setup and way the competition itself is run let me know and I can do a whole blog post on just that or anything else you want to know!



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