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  • Writer's pictureShaye Johnson

Women's History Month

As we celebrate Women's History Month and celebrate the vital role of women in America, I am grateful for the opportunity to participate and be a representative of the Miss America Organization. It has empowered me as a woman more than I could have ever imagined. From growing up and being influenced by local titleholders, to now being a role model for girls and women in American Fork, I am so excited to be celebrating Women's History Month.

The Miss American Fork Organization

I was crowned Miss American Fork in July of 2023 and I knew from the moment I signed up to compete in the Miss American Fork competition that it would allow me to meet some incredible people, especially women. I had the greatest opportunity to compete alongside and become friends with many incredible local women when I competed and I am so grateful for each and every one of their friendships as we prepared for the moment we stepped on stage together. Many of the women I have met and worked alongside in this organization have become my closest friends. I have had great encouragement and guidance from my director, Dorinda Ledkins, and my long time family friend and pageant coach, Gina Cox.  These women lift me up and are such great supporters and empower me not only to become the best version of myself as I am preparing for Miss Utah, but for the rest of my life. I am grateful for this organization and the way that we as women are able to support each other in advocating for the things we are extremely passionate about and how we work to be role models for our communities. If that doesn't shout Women's History Month from the rooftops I'm not sure what does! There is something so uplifting about surrounding yourself with women who constantly strive to help and lift up one another and that is what the Miss America Organization is for me.

The moment I was announced as Miss American Fork

Empowering Women's Heart Health

As Miss American Fork I have what is called a Community Service Initiative (CSI) to guide my year of service. My CSI is titled "The Red Heart Project; Being CPR Prepared and Saving Lives". I have been able to become a certified CPR instructor for the American Heart Association (AHA), show others the importance of heart health, and work closely with to become a strong advocate for Utah's local chapter of the AHA. The Miss America Organization has recently partnered with the American Heart Association to address the pressing topic of women's heart health. Statistics show that 1 out of every 3 women are affected by cardiovascular disease and it is the number one killer of women in America. Being able to advocate for this issue and educate those around me to take charge of their heart health has been one of the cornerstones of my year while serving as Miss American Fork. I can see the influence my education and example of living has inspired those around me to change the future for women's heart health and pave the way to prevent deaths from cardiovascular disease.

Teaching a CPR Class

My Legacy

This past February, while celebrating the American Heart Association’s Heart Month, I had a phenomenal opportunity to visit the State Capitol and speak to the House Representative and Senate Representative for the area of American Fork. I was able to discuss and advocate to implement Cardiac Emergency Response Plans (CERP) into our local elementary, middle, and high schools. A CERP is essentially a written document, similar to a code checklist in healthcare settings, to help maintain organization and a calm environment during a cardiac emergency. This provides quality life saving performances to be given to cardiac arrest victims to give them the best chance of survival. As a current nursing student in my last semester of school, I understand the importance of having a plan and being prepared in any type of emergency. Advocating for CERP's to be implemented in our schools is something I am still working on while serving as Miss American Fork and is something I will continue to advocate for after my year of service is completed. As Miss American Fork, one of my goals is to advocate for my community's needs while implementing my community service initiative and to leave a legacy of service. This was such a memorable event and perfectly represents the legacy I want to leave.

Lobbying at the State Capitol for Cardiac Emergency Response Plans (CERPS)

My Challenge to You

Truly, Women's History Month is a time for us to all appreciate the women in our lives and the positive influences they are in building and molding us into the people we are. Be sure to let the women who are role models in your life know how much they mean to you during this amazing national month celebration. I challenge all of the women of American Fork to think of how you can make a change this month no matter how small or large it may seem.

With Love,

Miss American Fork 2023, Shaye Johnson



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