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  • Writer's pictureShaye Johnson

Self Love and Confidence

How do I stop comparing myself to others? Being a teenage girl, I have definitely asked myself this question. All of us have struggled with confidence at one point and may still be struggling to love ourselves the way we are. Why can we never be "good enough" for ourselves and why do we set the standard so high?

Today I want to share my best advice of how to feel more confident and how to develop a strong loving relationship with yourself. Just because you don't look or act like someone else doesn't mean that you're worthless. You are perfect the way you are and here's how you can learn to see that.

1. Replace Jealousy With Empowerment

One of the major things that drags our confidence down is the people we are surrounded by. Whether they be close friends or complete strangers we always let jealousy get us down. We compare our weaknesses to their strengths in looks, personality, and circumstance. A lot of this jealousy can be caused through social media. But the reality is that not everything is as truthful as people may say or make it look on these sources. It's natural to feel jealous of what of people have. But how can we turn this jealousy into positive energy? How can we let their successes lift us up?

It shouldn't be a competition of who is better. Let other's accomplishments and strengths inspire you to be better. Let people give to you, and give back as well. We can all boost each others confidence in just a few words or sentences so DO IT!! Let others encourage and inspire you to be the best you.

2. Identify and Set Goals

The first step to fixing any issue is to identify. Figure out what is pushing your confidence down and know why. Once you have identified you can then set goals to better yourself in that area. It's a journey!! You're still going to have hard days but learn and grow from them.

When you set your goals make sure you have a plan to follow through with them. Let your motivation come from a positive mindset (you bettering yourself to become the best version of you). Don't do it for anyone else. Don't change yourself because someone wants you to change. Change because you want to feel happier or better about yourself or lifestyle.

3. Negative to Positive

It so easy for us to think negatively but so hard for us to think positively. When we continuously think badly about ourselves we start to believe these lies. We have to find a way to turn this negative energy into positive energy.

Let your friends and family help you. Tell them you are struggling so they can lift you up. When you talk badly about yourself make a goal to say three good things that you love about yourself. If you're having a bad day make even more of an effort to be kind to yourself. You deserve it!!

4. Treat Yourself

There's a difference between being selfish and taking care of yourself. It is OKAY to take a day off or reward yourself. That's a something people struggle to learn. Being selfish is putting yourself before others all the time and never helping anyone out. But it is also unhealthy to constantly be putting other before you to the point of exhaustion and stress.

Your mental, physical, and emotional health comes first!! You can't serve others when your in a bad place and can't even help yourself. So give yourself some credit. Go relax in the bath with that bath bomb. Go get yourself some Starbucks. Do something to make yourself happy once in a while because you love yourself.

If you want anymore advice on self love and confidence you can check out the podcasts listed below!! Thanks for reading and make sure to subscribe to my mailing list on my "About Me" tab on my page. Have a wonderful week and stay tuned for the next blog post:)

Self love and confidence podcast

1. "Making it Happen" with Henry Ammar #32- "Self-Love"

2. "Making it Happen" with Henry Ammar #56- "Confidence and Self-Love"

3. The Confident Girl Podcast - "How Surrounding Yourself with Empowering Women can Change Your Confidence."

4 The Confident Girl Podcast - "How to be Your Best Beautiful Self."



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