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  • Writer's pictureShaye Johnson

Healthy Eating Tips & Ideas

For this blog post I teamed up with Christina Wall, the ultimate health queen, for some insight on how to stay eating healthy. Often times we praise ourselves for eating healthy throughout the entire day but then continue to return back to old habits the next day. How do we stay motivated to keep eating healthy? These are the ultimate tips and tricks that Christina and myself do to keep our good eating habits up.


Tip #1 -- Don't Bored Eat

I'm super guilty of bored eating, especially during the summer. Your meals should have a schedule and routine to them. Stay busy, eat three meals a day, and two snacks to avoid being hungry. If you find yourself sitting around doing nothing, find something to do. There are always things that need to be done and it makes you feel better when you are productive. This would be a great time to workout, clean and organize something in your house, or do homework. When you keep yourself busy, you will find yourself bored eating a lot less.

Tip #2 -- Wheat over White

Wheat bread is a healthier option because it's not as refined and processed as white bread. When making or ordering a sandwich be sure to always choose the whole wheat option. At the same time, try to avoid breads as a whole. Bread is high in carbs and too much of it can be unhealthy.

Tip #3 -- Hydrate

Drinking water used to be really hard for me until I got a good water bottle. My pink Hydro Flask makes all the difference in my hydration game. I enjoy my water cold so I love owning a bottle that will keep it cold all day. Investing in a more expensive water bottle is worth your money. Click the picture below to buy one of these super cute Hydro Flask!!

You should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. Keep track of your water intake and set a goal for yourself of how much you want to drink throughout the day. Replace sodas and juices with water. Drinking too many calories is where a lot of people struggle, especially me. If you do get a drink every now and then just make sure to drink extra water that day. Because don't get me wrong I love my Dr. Pepper and Starbucks.

If you struggle to constantly drinking water and are forgetful, don't be afraid to set phone reminders. We are constantly on and checking our phones so it's the perfect reminder because we are sure to see it.

Tip #4 -- Don't Even Buy the Junk

It's simple. If it's in your house you are going to eat it. Avoid buying sugary products when grocery shopping. When it's not surrounding you, you are less likely to consume it. When shopping go to the produce section and buy fresh vegetables and fruit. Avoid frozen packaged meals just because they will last longer. It's not worth the saturated fat and sodium.

Tip #5 -- Pack a Home Lunch

If you know your not going to be home for a meal make sure to plan ahead. Packing a home lunch is super important especially for students. Being in High School, Christina and I always have friends wanting to go out and eat somewhere fun for lunch. But these fast food places often don't offer very many healthy alternatives. Packing a home lunch will lead to less temptation to go out and buy fast food.

However, there are still times you should go out and enjoy food with your friends. If you decide to go out for lunch every now and then make sure to go somewhere you can get a salad or something similar. Light on the dressing is key to eating salads.

Tip #6 -- 80% Nutrition & 20% Exercise

In order to see results you have to balance your exercise and nutrition. Why would you workout super hard to go and eat like crap after? You will see the results faster. Many people have the mindset that if they workout hard their nutrition doesn't matter. But many of these people don't realize that the majority of it has to do with your eating habits.


Healthy Snack Ideas --

Christina and I came up with a list of our favorite snack ideas that we wanted to share with you!! Give these a try because we are sure you will love them.

- Protein Bars (Cliff Bars & FitCrunch Bars)

-Sliced Banana & Walnuts

-Apples and Peanut Butter

-Skinny Pop (Helps with Sweet Cravings)

-Pretzels and Hummus

-Multigrain Tortilla Chips by Food Should Taste Good (Buy from Costco)

-Turkey Spinach Pesto Sandwich

-Yogurt mixed with Fruit


Thanks for reading loves. Please comment and ask any questions you would like Christina and I to respond to and answer!! Don't forget to subscribe to my blog notification emails to keep up on the latest post. To subscribe go to the ABOUT ME tab on my blog page and scroll to the bottom for a quick and easy sign up!!


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Vitaly Carter
Vitaly Carter
2019년 3월 10일

Wow....! Thanks!! I can feel the pounds leaving me😂

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