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  • Writer's pictureShaye Johnson

Facial Skin Care

Skin care is a difficult topic. I say this because everyone's skin care is unique to them. The reason I label this "Skin Care" instead of "Skin Care Routine" is because I have no set routine. The way I treat my skin is constantly changing because my skin is also constantly changing. Some days its super dry and other days its super greasy. I go through long periods of clear skin and other periods of acne breakouts.

Over my late elementary and junior high years I struggled with severe acne. I always felt self conscious and embarrassed when I went out in public. I am here to tell anyone who is struggling or has struggled with acne that it is OKAY!! Acne is so normal and everyone has it. Weather your acne is severe or just a pimple once in a while, everyone has been there.

This skin care blog is going to be a little different than anything you have ever seen or read before. Instead of just sharing the products I use to care for my skin, I will be also telling you how to take care of your skin. Keep in mind that the products that work for me might not always work for you.


1. Rotating Products

Like I said in my intro, my routine is always changing based on the status of my skin. I have set products that I use but I typically don't use the same product every single night. Observe your skin to see what it needs. Is it dry or greasy? Where are your problem or breakout areas? Are you getting cyst, blackheads, or white heads? These are all thing to consider when deciding what to use on your face.

But there's also problems in switching up the products too much. Find a good balance for your skin. I like to go 2-4 nights using a certain cleanser and then switching it up. This may be different for you. Rotating through products too quickly or not enough can effect everyone's skin differently.


2. Face Cleansers

Wash your face EVERY NIGHT!! I cannot express this enough. I never go a night without washing my face before I hit the pillow. One thing I have discovered about my skin is that I can break out quickly. For me, washing my face needs to be done with a face cleanser. But for others it may just be using some soap and water.

If you wear makeup it is so important that you take your makeup off before cleansing your face. This should be done in two different steps. Don't use your face cleanser to remove your makeup. When you do it all in one step it leaves dirt clogged in your pores.

Some of the face cleansers I like to switch between are listed below. Along with their purposes and how they affect my skin!!

AcneFree Oil-Free Acne Cleanser

Great for drying out pimples, treating, and preventing breakouts. If I have a bad breakout, I will typically use this or if my skin is super oily. Be sure to not get this cleanser on any of your clothes or nice towels because it will bleach them.

Kale + Green Tea Spinach Cleanser

I have found that I like to use this cleanser when I need moisture. This formula leaves my skin feeling smooth and refreshed before I hit the pillow. It's defiantly worth the high price tag in my opinion.


3. Eating Habits

Some of you may know that your eating habits have a big impact on your skin. Like some people break out when they eat dairy. Everyone's skin reacts differently to different foods. Try monitoring your food intake and skin's condition to see what works and what doesn't work for you.

An important factor in healthy clear skin is staying hydrated. When you're drinking a lot of water it helps to flush out all the crap in your body including those nasty pimples. If you struggle to drink water set reminders on your phone to stay encouraged.


4. Face Masks

Face mask are tricky. They can either be super great or super awful for your skin. You have to be super careful when using face masks during a breakout. For my skin, I have found that anything from Lush is safe to use. Below are my favorite Lush face masks to use when I'm having a bad acne breakout.

Cosmetic Warrior

I'm not going to lie, this face mask smells awful. But it's so helpful when I have bad acne. I just tough it up through the awful scent for 10 minutes.

Catastrophe Cosmetic

This mask definitely doesn't stink as bad if you absolutely can't handle the other one. I feel that the Cosmetic Warrior has slightly faster results but this one is worth a try as well.


5. Medical Help

Don't hesitate going to see your dermatologist. I have had many visits to the dermatologist myself. Even when my acne wasn't awful. Sometimes it was just a small breakout that wouldn't clear up. Be open to anything and everything. I still take a prescription for my acne and put on different creams every night.

It took a really long time for the dermatologist to find what medication and creams worked for my skin. I was really frustrated with my doctor and kept wondering why she couldn't figure out my acne issue. But like I said, everyone's skin is unique, and we had to figure out what worked. Don't give up if you are struggling with your skin because it takes a lot of patience.


I hope this blog was helpful for your skin journey. Don't hesitate to try different things. It's going to be a long trial and error process. If you have any questions leave them in the comments below or direct message my Instagram @shaye.johnson . Make sure to subscribe to my mailing list so you don't miss out on any of my blog post. I love you all and am so grateful for your support.



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